DC こころのネットワーク/DC Japan Mental Health Network

DCこころのネットワーク/DC Japan Mental Health Network(DCJMHN)は米国・ワシントンDC近郊(メリーランド、ワシントンDC、バージニア北部)に住む日本人で精神衛生の分野における専門家(ソーシャルワーカー、カウンセラー)から構成されています。私達の目的は同じ精神衛生分野における情報・意見交換をしていく中でDC近郊に住む日本人の方へのより良いサービスを提供することです。ご意見・質問等はdcjmhn@gmail.comまでお願いします。

サンフランシスコ日本領事館/日米ケア共催セミナー (3/27/21-3/28) - Zoom 無料ウェルネスフェア



Hi all,


I am sharing the event announcement.  Please feel free to share this email with your friends and family.  This is a free Zoom Webinar and no need to register. (English message follows after this Japanese one.)










イベントに先立ち心の専門家へのご質問をこちらの メールアドレス(nichibeicareinfo@gmail.com) で受け付けています。頂いたご質問は両日最終セッションQ&Aで時間の許す限り回答させていただく予定です。






日米ケアフェイスブック facebook.com/nichibeicarenet

日米ケアウェブサイト https://jp.nichibeicare.blog/



We hope you and your family are enjoying this beautiful spring. 


Nichibei Care presents a free live webinar "Wellness Fair: Promoting mental and physical health during COVID-19"  co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in SF.  The webinar will be held on 3/27/21 (Saturday) and 3/28 (Sunday) from  9:45am to 7pm. The morning sessions on Saturday will be in English. The rest of the sessions will be in Japanese.


As pandemic is lasting for more than a year, we are experiencing negative impacts on our mind and body. During this wellness fair, 14 mental health professionals of NichiBei Care provide useful information and tips to promote our well-being. 

We are accepting mental health related questions in advance, we will answer your questions during Q&A. Please feel free to send questions to this address (nichibeicareinfo@gmail.com


This will be a free Zoom event for the general public and no advanced registration needed. Here is the Zoom link for the event (no passcode needed) https://zoom.us/j/98959950930


Upto 100 audiences can attend this event at any given time. Please refer to our website (Japanese only) or the attached schedules for the details of the seminar.  You can view the presenter bio on this webpage




Nichibei Care



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